Not sure about your face shape? Don't worry - here are some tips to help you out.
Every face shape is uniquely different but they can be grouped
into the following categories:-
Your nose sits higher on your face(shorten nose).
Glasses with a bridge that is closer to the top of the frame
suit you best. Go for high bridge size.
The bridge of your nose is about the level of your
eye pupil or lower on your face (longer nose). You should
choose a frame with elevated nose pads.
Go for low bridge size.
• Overall face is longer
• Tall forehead
• Jaw and chin more curved
• Bottom half of the face is longer than the top
• Cheekbones are wider than forehead and jawlines
Frames to Avoid: Small, narrow width glasses
Recommended Frames: Any type of frames
• Square jaw
• Broad forehead
• Balanced cheekbones
Frames to Avoid: Square and Rectangular frames
Recommended Frames: Round frames
• Full cheeks
• Softer angles to jaws and cheekbones
• Wide foreheads and jaws
Frames to Avoid: Large, rounded frames
Recommended Frames: Rectangular frames
• Similar to oval face but longer and slimmer
• Slowly narrows at the chin
Frames to Avoid: Square and Rectangular frames
Recommended Frames: Rectangular or Round Bold frames
• Wide foreheads
• Pointed chin
• Sharp jawline
• Cheekbones are well-defined
• Face gradually narrows from top to bottom
Frames to Avoid: Square and Rectangular frames
Recommended Frames: Square, Rectangular or Round frames
• Cheekbones wider than forehead and jawlines
• Small forehead
• Narrow, pointed chin
Frames to Avoid: Square and Rectangular frames
Recommended Frames: Oval Round frames